Ear Clear

Mobile Ear Wax Removal Specialists

Mobile Ear Wax Removal

Welcome to Ear Clear mobile ear wax removal specialists – your local ear wax removal service, in Cheshire and Staffordshire

Loss of hearing, aches and discomfort within your ear could signify ear wax accumulation. Although relatively harmless, ear wax can, in some circumstances, have a drastic effect on the quality of everyday life.

Having ear wax removed can be very important to your overall well-being, especially if it has become problematic and impacts your ears’ health.

Millions of people in the UK, young and old, suffer from ear wax build-up annually. The elderly are the most affected.

If you feel discomfiting with your ears, a painless procedure could immediately remove the discomfort and improve your hearing.

Long NHS Waiting List?

Are you on an NHS waiting for ear wax removal? ENT services have drastically been affected by the ongoing impact of Covid-19. The NHS backlog has resulted in long waiting lists and patients seeking assistance from the private sector. But, of course, the private sector will be expensive, right? Luckily, a home visit to remove ear wax is relatively inexpensive. Prices can vary from £60 to £120 depending on whether you are walking into a clinic or a mobile ear wax removal practitioner comes to your home.

Do you urgently require ear wax removal?

If you don’t want to remain on a long NHS waiting list, we can help.
Our mobile ear wax removal practitioners specialise in home ear wax removal and can visit any location within 20 miles of Cheshire and Staffordshire

Ditch the Buds

Ditch the Buds

Attempting to clean ear wax using cotton buds has always been the go-to for many people. However, you are maybe doing more damage than good. Cotton buds or cotton swabs can quickly push ear wax deeper into the canal. Also, Cotton buds can cause punctured eardrums and, in some cases, hearing loss. If you feel you have an ear wax problem or your ears seem blocked. Talk to one of our ear wax removal experts today or book an appointment for a home visit.

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Mon-Sun: 8am-8pm

Ear wax removal by microsuction

Walk-in Clinic Appointments

Did you know you can now book a walk-in appointment online? Follow the link below, and you will be able to see what appointments are available at the Core Well-Being clinic in Mobberley, Knutsford.

Ear Wax Removal Knutsford, Cheshire, Walk-in Appointments

Book an appointment

Book a microsuction ear wax removal appointment using the form below. A member of our team will be in contact to confirm and date and time that suits you. If you would like to speak to someone now, please call 07966979261

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Mobile Ear Wax Removal

Mobile Ear Wax Removal by Microsuction

At Clear Ear Wax Removal, we use a procedure called Microsuction to remove ear wax. microsuction is a painless procedure that doesn’t require any water to be squirted, unlike the traditional syringing methods. Microsuction entails a very low-pressure suction probe inserted into the ear canal. This probe is very safe, quick and gentle in removing ear wax and debris.

Chat With An Expert.

If you need to book an ear wax removal appointment or need some advice, why not call and speak to an expert

Why Choose Us


Experienced Ear Wax Removal Practitioner


Short Wait Times

You could have your ears clear of wax within 48 hours, with many appointments available the same day.


We come to you

Did you know our ear wax removal service travels to you? Our mobile ear wax removal experts can travel within a 20 miles radius of Cheshire and Staffordshire.

HCPC Registered - Ear wax Removal Expert
Ear wax removal Specialists
Certified by the hearing lab
IHP Independent Professional

Frequently Asked Questions

Does ear wax removal hurt?

Ear wax removal should not be painful. A well trained and highly experienced ear wax removal specialist can help remove your ear wax using the latest technology like microsuction. Microsuction only leads to a mild sensation in the ear canal.

Do you offer home visits?

Yes, all our ear wax removal practitioners are mobile; we come to you.  Ear clear's ear wax cleaning service is accessible by any within a 20 miles radius of Cheshire, including Alderley Edge, Sandbach,  Wilmslow, Holmes Chapel, Knutsford and many areas of Staffordshire. However, if a home visit is inconvenient, please inquire about our clinic days in Sandbach.

how much does ear wax removal cost?

Ear Clear's wax removal services are very cheap. A home visit to clean both ears will only cost £80. Please call or book an appointment to get a quote.

Do you offer Ear syringing?

Ear syringing or ear irrigation is a procedure where water at body temperature is gently irrigated or pumped into the ear at a controlled pressure using a syringe. Ear syringing is now a technique that is considered unsafe, no longer recommended by health institutes and is not offered on the NHS. Ear Clear wax removal uses microsuction technology to gently and safely remove ear wax.

How long will the procdure take?

A home visit can last up to 60 minutes, with microsuction procedure lasting up to 30 minutes.

How do you take payment?

Our mobile ear wax removal practitioners will accept cash or card

Are there any downsides of ear microsuction?

During microsuction, the ear wax removal practitioner will guide you and instruct you not to make sudden movements that can lead to accidental injury. Patients may sometimes feel a little dizzy during and after the procedure, but this sensation soon subsides. Pre-existing ear conditions like infections may cause some discomfort during the procedure. During microsuction there is some noise generated by the equipment which some patients may find quite loud.

How often should i have my ears cleaned?

How often you should have your ears cleaned depends upon individuals' needs. The majority of our clients have ear wax microsuction on a regular basis. We have clients who undergo ear wax removal every 3-6 months, while others have microscution once a year.

Do you offer Ear Wax Removal in Cheshire only?

No, our mobile ear wax removal service is available to anyone within 20 miles (32.19 km) radius of Cheshire. So if you need a mobile ear wax removal in Stoke-on-Trent, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Biddulph or Macclesfield, we got you covered.

Ear Wax Removal Articles

Mobile Ear Wax Cleaning Services

Mobile Ear Wax Cleaning Services

Mobile Ear Wax Cleaning Service 5 Reasons to use oneEarwax build-up can be a frustrating and uncomfortable experience. While there are many DIY methods to remove earwax, Medics always recommend seeking the advice of a medical professional. Fortunately, with the rise...

NHS ear wax removal

NHS ear wax removal

NHS Ear Wax RemovalOkay, you've been meaning to get your ears cleaned for a while. You're struggling to hear properly, or the excess ear wax is causing some discomfort. You decide to book an appointment for an NHS wax removal, only to be told sorry you don't qualify....

Mobile Appointments Available Daily

Mobile ear war removal appointments are available daily. You will not have to wait for weeks or months for an appointment. Our mobile ear wax removal experts can travel anywhere within a 20-mile radius of Cheshire and Staffordshire. This includes Stoke-on-Trent, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Macclesfield, Holmes Chapel, Wilmslow and further afield.

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The Old Bank, 87 Town Lane
Mobberley, Knutsford, Cheshire,
WA16 7HH

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